May 2022
Our last month without Lee! It seems like a very long time ago. School ended for both boys, and Vance entered our life (see below). I was getting an ultrasound a week because I am over 40 and high-risk, and each time Mat and I were convinced we saw signs of maleness. We turned out to be wrong!
Vance! We got him on May 1st, I believe. It was--insane, on my part? To get a new pet (an exotic pet, at that) a month before an infant? But he is really sweet and we love him. He turned out to be very sick (don't buy reptiles from pet stores, go through a breeder) and we took him to the vet on a Friday and discovered he had 2 types of intestinal worms and an infection. I gave birth on Tuesday. So the early days of Lee's life were also spent trying to save Vance! But it worked! Before we took him to the vet he wasn't eating at all, and looking at these pics he is so skinny and malnourished-appearing.
Out of order, but Donna at the strawberry patch
Vance on Lee
I planted some plants
Vance is in the plastic container--he's a very chill guy. He was also sick here, so probably didn't have the energy to fight this, but now that's he's better he's still chill.
A snapping turtle! My dad found it and brought it over for the boys to see.
And another turtle, found on a walk with my dad
Pete at Petsmart, selecting Vance
Hank was really upset because he wanted to pick one too, so we let him pick treats at the grocery store. We felt bad--we should have left him at home. But I was not prepared to get 2 beardies.
Hank's birthday invite!
I think this was his check-up
We made this from a Kiwi box that Nana and Papa send
Vance resides in my office. At first it was because he needed to be fed a lot, but now I like him here.
Out of order, but I made cupcakes for Hank's party. My parents took the boys the night before the party, and Mat and I got a lot of stuff done and treated ourselves to Sheila's Burger Barn!
The Spiderman we hired who was, uh, not worth the money? He literally just stood there but I felt sorry for him because he seemed like a teenager.
Hank, waiting for swim lessons! He was apparently the only child that liked them. In Auburn everyone does private swim lessons--half an hour for five days.
For a while he was less into Spiderman and more into Transformers, but now he's back into Spiderman.
Post birthday slumber
We went to a pizza place downtown for Hank's birthday, and they both whined and complained the whole time. It was fun!
I thought Hank had pink eye, and even lightly argued with the doctor about it, but he did not!
They really like to sun themselves on my parents' patio
Summer birthday celebration!
At Surge with his besties Davis and Henry